We at the Wind River Cyber Academy are excited by the opportunity to have a competitive team that will have the opportunity to compete in the state final competition through the FIRST Tech Challenge. 

What is the First Tech Challenge?

It’s way more than building robots. FIRST Tech Challenge teams (up to 15 team members, grades 7-12) are challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in a head-to-head challenge in an alliance format.

Guided by adult coaches and mentors, students develop STEM skills and practice engineering principles, while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and working as a team.

The robot kit is reusable from year to year and can be coded using a variety of levels of Java-based programming. Teams design and build robots, raise funds, design and market their team brand, and do community outreach to earn specific awards. Participants are eligible to apply for $80M+ in college scholarships. 

The Wind River Cyber Academy is  able to offer this program due to the outreach of the Electric Feather, the robotics team at Wyoming Indian High School.  They have generously given of their time and expertise to support and mentor this exciting program, and we at the Wind River Cyber Academy are thankful for their support and encouragement. 

If you would like more information or would like to join the club click the button below.